I grew up in Edina, MN and met my wife at Ripon College. I am a Registered Investment Rep with Avant Management and love helping people plan for retirement. My beautiful wife, Emily, and I live in S.t Louis Park with our Bernese mountain dog Huckleberry. I love to be outside on the water or running around the lakes.
Athletic Career
Edina Highschool:
- State Champion Swim Team
- Conference Champion Football
Ripon College:
- Swim Team
- Football
- Lacrosse
Finding CrossFit
I was introduced to CrossFit by our neighbor who (against my will) brought my wife and I to try Crossfit. After meeting the amazing people and realizing just how out of shape I was I became determined to become fit!
Why I Coach
I coach Crossfit because I want to help other people take control of their health and fitness in the same life-changing way that my wife and I did when we found SISU. I want to encourage people to push themselves further than they ever thought they could. I am proud to be a part of the community of incredible athletes and wonderful family at SISU.
- Crossfit Level 1
- Eat to Perform Certified Nutrition Coach
Secret Ninja Movement
Running, box jump overs & deadlift.
Nemesis Movement
Thrusters make me want to die.
Favorite Cheat Meal
White Trash Burger from Burger Jones with an “adult milkshake” and tater tots!