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  • SISU Santa Bash 2024

    Event Details: Workout 1 In a 5 minute window: Both partners build to a max 1 rep Clean 1 minute transition to adjust weights for Workout 2 Workout 2 In a 5…

  • Intention with Exercise

    by Thomas Richards In many aspects of our lives, we go through the motions – driving somewhere, brushing our teeth, making our breakfast, etc. Our body goes into auto-pilot, and we don’t…

  • NEW PROGRAMMING CYCLE: 4 Week Murph Prep

    by Thomas Richards If you haven’t had a chance yet, check out Pat’s blog post about why you should sign up for Memorial Day Murph this year. Whether or not you choose…


    by Pat Crosby Hey SISU! Please take 2 minutes to read a story of “WHY” I am encouraging everyone to participate in the Memorial Day Challenge, Murph event, at the Vikings Training Center in…

  • Honest with Yourself

    by Thomas Richards Next week is our test week at SISU for our 8-week strength cycle. We’ve been squatting twice a week for 8 weeks, and everyone who’s been following the program…

  • Benefits of CrossFit

    by Thomas Richards When’s the last time you were at a globo gym like LifeTime or Planet Fitness? Do you remember what people were doing? Were they working hard or sweating? How…

  • Short-Term Goals

    AND WHY YOU SHOULD CONSIDER DOING THE SISU SUMMER THROWDOWN by Thomas Richards We’re busy prepping for our 9th annual SISU Summer Throwdown, and while announcing registration opening at the whiteboard, the…

  • Metcons Don’t Make You Stronger

    by Thomas Richards CrossFit Metcons vary in a ton of different ways: time domain, number of movements, number of reps, weights… the list goes on and on! But what doesn’t change is…


    STIMULUS, RECOVERY & ADAPTION by Thomas Richards This is Part 3 of Getting the Most out of Training, and today we’re going to talk about providing the correct stimulus and allowing your…

  • Getting the Most Out of Training – Part 2

    LONG-TERM MINDSET & INJURIES by Thomas Richards Last week we talked about moving well and how that will help you express your best fitness levels and create long-term growth rather than injury.…