The Colistra’s

Please tell us a little bit about yourself?

Tony and I have been married for 9 years. We have three great kids, AJ (8),  Nick (6) and Kate (5). Tony and I met while living and working in Colorado. We have endured many moves, taking us to Texas and New Jersey before coming back to Minnesota in 2011. I grew up here, while Tony grew up out East in Pennsylvania. I am fortunate now to be a stay-at-home mom to our kids, while Tony started a consulting business which allows him to work from home most of the time. We currently reside in Shorewood.

When and why did you start doing CrossFit?

Tony and I started CrossFit in January 2015.

Melissa – I have always enjoyed working out, however most of my workouts consisted of cardio, and lacked a lot of strength training. I would spend hours in a gym doing the same thing. I heard about CrossFit, and saw the Excelsior location get up and running. I was tired of just driving by … it was time to actually go inside and see what it was all about!

Tony – Has worked out at the “big” gyms, at home and even tried, and liked P90X, but was looking for something different.  He heard about SISU from some friends of ours and hoped it would motivate and challenge him like they said it had done for them.  I finally told him I was buying him a CrossFit membership for Christmas … and he has loved it ever since!

What made you decide to come to CrossFit SISU?

Several friends of ours raved about it and we were looking for something different in our exercise routines.  We live in Shorewood and spend a lot of time in downtown Excelsior, so the location was perfect.

What were you doing before and what apprehensions did you have before starting CrossFit?

Melissa –  A lot of cardiovascular exercise, including ½ marathons and triathlons. I recently had knee surgery in May of 2014, as well as I deal with chronic back issues. I knew I needed to change up the running, as it was/is a major factor contributing to my injuries, however I was apprehensive about being able to do some of the CrossFit movements.

Tony – Played college football, which took a toll. He has had several knee surgeries, and most recently achilles surgery in September of 2014.  The jumping exercises were of concern for him.

What were your thoughts after your first CrossFit SISU Intro class?

WOW … this is hard … but AWESOME!

What’s the greatest benefits you see so far since starting at CrossFit SISU?

We both feel so much stronger! The changes we have seen since starting have been really amazing.

How has being at CrossFit SISU enriched your life outside of the box?

CrossFit places emphasis on goals … setting them and achieving them, in and out of the box. The end result is worth the work it takes to get there.

Please share any special memories or achievements during your time at CrossFit SISU?

 Melissa – The first time I climbed the rope. It was such an awesome feeling!

 Tony – Completing my first Rx WOD … Unfortunately, most of my WODs are still scaled/modified, but I see the progress.

 What advice would you give to a person thinking about joining our SISU Community?

 DO IT! … You will not regret it. We only wish that we had joined a year ago when we had first heard about it. The work is worth the results… and you meet some great people along the way.  If you’ve never done CrossFit, you must be willing to go outside of your comfort zone, but progress will come quickly.  You will be well coached and challenged every step of the way.  Lastly, leave your ego at the door!  When you start, you will see some amazing athletes doing things you never dreamed of doing.  If you ask any of them, they will tell you they started just like you … wondering what the hell is a DUB, HSPU, muscle up, C2B, T2B, etc. etc. etc.

 Favorite WOD?

Melissa – Anything without DUBS!

Tony – Anything without overhead squats and/or lunges.

 Secret Ninja exercise is?

 Melissa – Once I master the DUBS, I’ll get working on that Ninja move!

 Tony – I’m supposed to have one of those?

 My not so secret sucky is?

Melissa – Definitely DUBS!

Tony – Overhead squats and lunges.

My favorite cheat meal is?

 Melissa – Guacamole with chips, and a nice big margarita! I can never get enough!

Tony – Pizza, pizza, pizza … Did I say pizza?