SISU Transformation: Aliya Hamann

About Aliya

I am an accountant for PWB CPAs and Advisors where I focus on tax accounting. I grew up in a small town near Duluth and have two siblings. Gowing up, I spent summers at baseball or soccer fields, my winters in a gym, and anytime in between was filled with family and friends. Besides playing sports,  I enjoy reading, watching movies, hanging out with friends and family, or enjoying the great outdoors. 

Finding SISU Nutrition

I moved to the Twin Cities in August of 2019 and immediately joined SISU. I would hear about the nutrition program from multiple people but did not really pay attention until I saw some of the before and after stories posted. I talked to some people that completed the program and could not hear enough good things about it. After thinking long and hard, I decided I needed to make a change since I was not seeing the results I wanted by working out and being on my own.  I had talked to Coach Christina about doing the program a few times and decided it was time to take the plunge. I started the program with the goal of becoming healthy, fit, and making this a lifestyle change.

Making Sustainable Changes

The nutrition program really opened my eyes to portion size, fueling my body, and what is actually in my food. The biggest change was in how I viewed my workouts and foods. I no longer viewed my workout as a way to burn off the snack or meal I just had, but rather as a way to become active and strengthen my body. Also, I now think of food as fuel for my day and not just stuff to eat.  

My main goal was to create a sustainable and healthy lifestyle. I did not want this to be a diet that I did for a set amount of time to slide right back to my old self.  Rather, I wanted this to become a new way of living for me. I have definitely achieved this and have continued to use the tools that Coach Christina has given me. 

Working with Christina

I had the privilege of working with Coach Christina.  She has been everything I wanted and more throughout this process.  Whether it be a reminder to reach my protein goal, an encouraging message after a slow week, or pushing me during a tough workout, she has been there ready and willing to help. 

Advice for Your Past Self

I would tell myself that this is going to be a long and tough process.  I did not get to where I started overnight and will not get to where I want overnight either.  Anything worth working towards takes time and effort. I have show up each day and actively make the choice to continue on with the changes I have made. 

Going Forward

I have continued to weigh, prep, and log the food I eat on a daily basis. I also track my weight as I continue towards my goals. I know I need to continue on in order to get to where I want to be. I can’t wait to see what I am capable of once I get there. 

Crunching the Numbers

During the time I worked with Christina, I lost a total of 38 lbs.